Janie & Joe only carries 100% genuine, authentic toys and games in our stores so you can rest assured that you'll always get the original product from us which has been stringently tested for safety and reliability! Unfortunately, consumers have to be wary of fake goods and counterfeit products, whether buying online or from physical retail stores. How do you identify the fakes from the real thing?
Malaysia has legislation and enforcement agencies in place to ensure that toys sold (whether by online websites or through physical shops and stores) meet international standards for safety and reliability.
By law, all toys for sale in Malaysia must have an MC sticker displayed clearly on the packaging with details of the distributor / importer of the product.
The MC sticker certifies that the toys have been tested and conform to safety standards.
Here's an example of the MC sticker from one of our Djeco toys, you can see it is clearly displayed on the back of the packaging and shows the distributor's details (in this case, Amberbrook Toys which is the exclusive distributor in Malaysia for Djeco- you can visit their website here).
The distributor / importer is responsible for producing a Certificate of Conformity that provides full details of the place and date of manufacture of the product, as well as the accompanying test report.
When toys are imported from overseas manufacturers into Malaysia, the Customs Department will only clear those products if the Certificate of Conformity and test reports are produced.
Retailers (whether they are websites or physical stores) are responsible for ensuring that they only carry toys from distributors that have met the import requirements, and should always check that any products they carry in their stores have the MC sticker.
Occasionally, the enforcement agencies conduct inspection visits in toy stores throughout the country to ensure that all products displayed in stores carry the MC sticker.
In addition to giving consumers assurance and peace of mind that the toys they purchase are genuine, the MC sticker provides recourse to the retailer and consumer as they can contact the distributor / importer directly in the case of defective goods.
Janie & Joe provides our customers with replacements (or full refunds if replacements are unavailable) for any toys purchased from us that come with manufacturing defects.
Make sure you check for the MC sticker when you next buy a toy online or from a retail toy store!
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